Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Big Bang Theory Season 1

The Tangerine Factor
Episode 17 (Season Finale)

These guys really brighten up my day! And Howard didn't really look that nerdy and disgusting in real life!

Penny (talking to Leonard): I mean not "you" smart, normal non-freaky smart.

Penny: Do yo have a second?
Sheldon: A second what, pair of underwear?

The Peanut Reaction
Episode 16

It's hard to blackmail someone if you have to explain to them you are blackmailing them. Howard's a pervert but he missed out on the party! hahahahaha

Sheldon (on celebrating Leonard's birthday): It's actually based on very sound theories. His mother published a paper on it. ... It was obviously effective. Leonard grew up to be an experimental physicist. Perhaps if she'd also denied him Christmas, he'd be a little better at it.
Leonard: Thank you.

Penny: I want to talk to you.
Sheldon: What would we talk about? We have no overlapping areas of interest I'm aware of.

Penny (on having a party for Leonard): He just doesn't know he wants one cause he's never had one.
Howard: I suppose that's possible, but for the record, I've never had a threesome and yet I still know I want one.
Penny: Howard, here's the difference --- the possibility exists that Leonard could have a birthday party before hell freezes over.
Howard: Fine. If I do have a threesome, you can't be part of it. ... I'm just kidding. Yes, you can. Can you bring a friend?

Customer: Which hard drive do I want - firewire or USB?
Sheldon: It depends on what bus you have available.
Customer: I drive a Chevy Cavalier.
Sheldon: Oh, dear lord... What you computer do you have? and please don't say a white one.

Howard: No, you don't understand
Nurse: Oh I understand. Unfortunately this hospital is not equipped to treat stupid.

The Pork Chop Indeterminacy
Episode 15

Raj is sooo adorable! Just his luck that the medication wore out when he was about to get the girl! I can't stop laughing!

Leonard: Some physicists are concerned that if the super-collider actually works, it'll create a black hole and swallow up the earth. Ending life as we know it.
Raj: Pfft, What a bunch of crybabies. No guts no glory, man.

Sheldon: How can you be late? I wasn't expecting you at all.
Howard: Nobody ever expects me. Sometimes you just look and bam! Howard Wolowitz.

Missy: That's because you have no measurable sense of humor, Shelly.
Sheldon: How exactly would one measure a sense of humor? A humormometer?

Sheldon: They call me a genius, because I'm a genius.

If only we can all be confident like Sheldon!

The Nerdvana Annihilation
Episode 14

Miniature time machine indeed!

Leonard: Come on guys, push!
Howard: If I push any harder, I going to give birth to my colon.

Raj: A time-share time machine!

The Bat Jar Conjecture
Episode 13

Will there really be a seen depicting Spock's birth on the new Star Trek film? I'll definitely watch out for it! I really liked the scene where Leslie terrorized Sheldon.. so funny.

Sheldon: Well, at this point I should inform you that I intend to form my own team and destroy that molecular bonds that binds your very matter together and reduce the resulting particulate chaos to tears!
Leonard: Thanks for the heads up.
Sheldon: You're welcome.

Now, that's what I call a THREAT! :)

The Jerusalem Duality
Episode 12

Wow, a 15-year doctoral candidate! What was I doing when I was 15?

Sheldon: I sense a disturbance in the force.

It's like looking into an obnoxious, little mirror isn't it?

Leonard: I need to tell you something, and I need you to listen carefully.
Sheldon: Alright.
Leonard: GO AWAY!

Sheldon: Engineering, where the noble, semi-skilled laborers execute the vision work of those who think and dream. Hello, Oompa Loompas of science.

Raj: Do you what he did? He watched me work for 10 minutes and started to design a simple piece of software that could replace me.
Leonard: Is that even possible?
Raj: As it turns out, yes.

Raj (on getting rid of Dennis Kim): We can't send him back to North Korea. He knows how to get out.

The Pancake Batter Anomaly
Episode 11

Leonard: Drink plenty of fluids.

Sheldon: What else would I drink? Gases? Solids? Ionized plasma?

The Loobenfeld Decay
Episode 10

Sheldon (on Penny's singing voice): I would suggest something to the effect of "Singing is neither an appropriate vocation nor a vocation for you, and if you disagree I recommend you have a CAT scan to look for a tumor pressing on the cognitive processing centers of your brain.

The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization
Episode 09

Leonard: Sheldon, we have to do this!

Sheldon: No we don't. We have to take in nourishment, expel waste and inhale enough oxygen to keep ourselves from dying. Everything else is optional.

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